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A Contest for Customer Attention. Does attention really matter?

The demands on your attention in modern life are overwhelming. Consider how many things are competing for your attention right now: work, people to call, emails to check, TV to watch, music to listen to, and numerous websites to visit. Everyone has too many responsibilities and not enough time to complete them all.

The first rule of marketing is that your potential customer's attention span is limited. Keeping up with everything in your world would take far more attention than you have. To compensate, you filter: you allocate your attention, devoting more to what matters and less to what doesn't. Everyone else does, including your potential customers. To get someone's attention, you must find a way to bypass their filters.

Attention of the highest caliber must be earned. When you are wanting for someone's attention, it is helpful to remember that you are competing with everything else in their world. To be noticed, you must find a way to earn that attention by being more interesting or useful than the competition.

Attention is meaningless if no one cares about what you're doing. If all you want is attention, skip down the street in a pink bunny suit while yelling at the top of your lungs will get you all the attention you'll ever want. However, when it comes to business, some types of attention aren't worth having. You want to attract the attention of prospects who will buy from you; otherwise, you're wasting your time.

It's exciting to be the center of attention, but business is about making money, not winning popularity contests. Being featured on national television or on a large website is wonderful, but this type of widespread publicity rarely results in actual sales. Spending time and energy acting like a socialite reduces the amount of resources you have available to devote to providing real value to your customers, which benefits no one. Gain the attention of those who are likely to buy from you, and your business will grow.

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